Online Booking of Appointments
From now on it is possible for certain appointments to be booked over the internet.
Appointments which can now be booked online are as follows:
- Check-up examinations for patients with private health insurance
- General appointments ("Standardtermin") (e.g. for queries about appointments with a cardiologist or other specialist, concerns and/or queries about your current medication). For a general appointment, please remember to state the purpose of the appointment.
- Patients with signs of infection (e.g feaver, cough) please book the appointment "Infekt-Termin"
- Dates for flu or other vaccinations (
The following types of appointments can only be booked over the telephone:
- Urgent same day appointments
- Laboratory examinations
- Check-up examinations for patients with general health insurance
- All forms of ultrasound examinations
If you book an appointment online, you will receive a reminder by email 24 hours before your appointment.
If you cannot attend your booked appointment, please inform us by sending a short message to or please give us a call.